Coronation of Her Majesty, The Northern Duchess - At the coronation, she proceeded in state from Danbury Connecticut with other members of the Royal Family and took part in the procession of princes and princesses of the blood royal priesthood the Southern Reigning Youth Duchess, Lady Constance to carry her coronet. She also attended and orchestrated royal heart health tours, international philanthropy, and is currently the Head Master of Kavod Academy the royal premier model of a girl’s art and education academy breaking ground in 2023. The Northern Duchess is a pioneer in her reign and took it by force as her attributes, social, radio, and moral presence spoke loud to her people.
The Northern Duchess has a heart for the poor in spirit and her attendance within the Northern Territory have been recorded and applauded by The Danbury Mayor, Connecticut Governor, and We, The People. United StatesUnited Nations
Lordess Polaris - The Northern Star was the first accomplished and recorded Chastity Chyld, and Northern Youth Duchess prior to proclamation to The Northern Duchess. In 2011, she was acknowledged as a royal inheritor of the Kingdom by way of her Father, His Holy Eminence Seated Crown King Adonai by way of His son, King Yeshua Hamashiach. Much of her work was inspired by her travel in tropical countries and northern upbringing. Her servitude, style, vision, and mission was influenced by wisdom, understanding, counsel, fortitude, knowledge, piety, and fear of the Lord, as she studied and served her kingsman and glorified her tribal origin, Judah. We continue to partner with Non Profits, Banks, Hospitals, Social Service Agencies, Volunteers, and Donors.
Three Reigning Eternal Crowns:
Ethiopian Empire - Abyssinia
Birth Born Monarch
Chastity Chyld - Reigning
US Kingdom - American Queen “oni > 'onı̂yaÌ‚h”
01/01/20 - Eternal
Past -Youth Duchess - Northern Duchess